Merchants city Gujarat

Merchants city Gujarat-

Someone has rightly said, if you have a mind, then you speak like Gujaratis, whatever they do, they do not speak (something big smells) and they just take their mind to do something of their own, they spend it in business. Therefore, according to a recent report, Gujarat is number one in terms of economy, Gujarat is the only state where more than 50% of the contribution to the economy is from Gujarat's industries, by focusing fast on industrial development and innovation. It has helped in achieving per capita income level of 40% higher than the national average, it has kept the pace of growth in sectors like textiles, jewelery, chinnami and medicine, giving Gujarat $ 24012 million in 2019-20 The foreign investment received is 14% of the total FDI in the country, with 51% labor force and 1311 banks per 100,000 people, the state has a good record in the institutional economy, about 95 of the state's 6 crore population. % People are above the poverty line, it is a matter of pride for a state, the leader in petrochemical and diamond business Gujarat could increase gross state domestic product by almost 10% between 2012 and 2017 due to credit.
Gujarat accounts for 62% of India's total petrochemical production and 72% of the world in carved diamonds, with large oil and gas reserves, the state also produces the largest crude oil production in India, with Gujarat becoming a new financial center. Is aiming for
This is evident from the fact that 13 banks, 19 insurance companies and two international exchanges (GIFT), International Finance Tech, have started their operations at Citi, with the financial center trading around 60 billion dollars in 2019-20. Is, Gujarat had a revenue surplus of about Rs.3,212 crore in 2018-19 and 2019-20, an impressive fiscal deficit of 163% in 2019-20 and 52% of GSDP (72%), indicating that the state's expenditure Is very well managed within its financial limits. However, service is one area where Gujarat would lag behind. This region contributed 37% of the gross value in 2019-20, which is much lower than in Maharashtra and Karnataka, it could prove to be a hindrance in Chief Minister Vijay Rupani's dream of 22% GSDP growth by 2022,
  Important in
1 - Per capita income in 2017 -18 was Rs 175017 which increased to Rs 195845 in 2018-19
2- Per capita capital expenditure ratio increased from Rs 4963 in 2014 -15 to Rs 8099 in 2018 -19,
With this, Gujarat has always been number one in terms of economy from all states of India,
                                                                                                                            Thank you


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