

So, today is date(26/11/2020) we celebrate this date as "Constitution day" and this date also for the terror attack in Mumbai (26/11) so we also never forget this date. So, this is about the date so most of you think that my title is farmer and I talk about date so before reading this article you must remember this date and at the end you all are also know why I am talking about this date.

So, lets get started with the farmer so you all are remember this date for the above reason because of we make this day as constitution of India. So most of you saw farmer in your life how hard working they are because of them we eat properly I am not talking about for the food I am talking about him rights for the political parties because when the election comes every politician party are says that they are for giving the rights of our farmer they give them actual price of their crop but after the election they only got half of the price of their crop. As a son of the farmer I feel that how hard to growing the crop but after growing the crop the farmer is also not get actual price of their crop. Now a days farmer became only vote bank.

Now to date so BJP passed the bill in lok sabha(I am not so much know about this bill) so some farmer was protest against this bill(no media cover this because SSR is more important then farmers because farmers don't gave then TRP) so no one hear the voice of farmer. So, some back to home and thought where we live how our government is why they are not listening us So congress party comes from the front but they also failed because our government is very powerful they also not get the part of the debate and also not in headline(let me tell you some inside news Our so called 4th pillar of democracy is in the pocket of our ruling govt. because every one wants to earn money😁😁) So you all are remember the date 26/11/2020 so that day farmer decide that they protest against govt. in Delhi so they came from Punjab, Haryana, U.P, but in the middle of their their journey police(with sticks and guns), water canons, tear gas and many more for stopping Farmers. So most of the police officer said"order come from upper) and you all are also know Anna Hazare who is famous for the protest but he will not come after BJP govt comes. So the main topic is if their is some mistake in bill so our govt. should talk him but no one cares because they  are farmers neither a celebrity nor a cricketer. Atleast we questioning the govt why they not here them atleast talk to them because they are our "Ann daata".

As part of the ‘Dilli Chalo’ protest called for November 26 and 27, more than three lakh farmers, including over two lakh protesters from Punjab alone, have reached Delhi border. The BJP governments in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand have adopted severe repressive measures arresting more than 100 local farmer leaders, detaining several others and preventing movement through states.

They don't want any big things they are not burning your cars,buses or other things they only want their right.

Thousands of farmers dug in their heels at Delhi's border points, their numbers swelling through the day as many more joined them, and hundreds gathered at the city's Burari grounds on Saturday (November 28), disparate but united in their determination to hold protests against the new farm laws.



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